
Linghang Was Invited to Participate in 7th AEE Chongqing Automotive Technology Forum and Exhibition


From June 16th to 17th, the 7th AEE Chongqing Automotive Technology Conference & ADT2022 China Auto Parts Smart Factory and Digital Transformation Conference was held in Chongqing, and Zhengzhou Linghang Robot Co., Ltd. was invited to participate.

The 7th AEE Chongqing Automotive Technology Conference consists of three major sectors: AET automotive intelligent manufacturing, PMC power system engineering, ADT smart factory and digitalization. The conference will be transformed and upgrade.

Linghang’s self-developed automatic tool changer, robotic material removal and utility coupler were exhibited at this forum. As a leading enterprise in robot terminal equipment, Linghang’s booth has attracted much attention. LTC-0600B automatic tool changer have attracted the attention of many delegates, hoping to carry out more in-depth cooperation with Linghang.

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    • Add:No.11 Zhengtou Technology Innovation Park, Mazhai industrial zone, Erqi district
    • Zhengzhou, China, 450000
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