
Linghang Robot Tool Changer Tell You: How To Correctly Start Robot Automation?


For small and medium-sized enterprises and large manufacturers, as long as they are installed correctly, robot automation can help them improve efficiency and work quality, reduce operating costs and improve flexibility. Before deploying automation, enterprises must develop a complete strategic plan. They need to understand the operation of automation and the application in which automation is deployed, understand the potential advantages of automation, and clearly know the specific budget and operation strategy.

The next step after figuring out these problems is not to select the robot, but to find a suitable arm end tool that can be installed on the robot, so as to deploy automatic cooperation applications.

Choose the right tools to complete the task well

It is understandable that enterprises that have just come into contact with automation may think that robots are the most important components. But in fact, the end of arm tool, eoat, is the tool for handling materials and products. Eoat tools can also be used to collect data, communicate robot mission instructions, and communicate with objects, robots, and humans.

Several factors need to be considered when selecting robot grippers, sensors and quick change devices. In general, modern EOATS are not designed for specific industries and can be used in various types of applications. Therefore, enterprises can consider selecting a single supplier to provide a series of robot accessories for various production needs. These robotic tools require very short installation / reassembly time and have more powerful and complex operation functions.

Enterprises that are transforming to automated production need to pay attention to advanced eoat tools – these tools will become more important in the next few years. For example, The Federation of international robotics predicts that by 2025, cooperative robots will be specially designed for man-machine cooperation in industrial environment (cobots) will account for about 35% of the global robot sales. The Asia Pacific cooperative robot market is expected to surpass the European market and become the world’s largest market in 2025. This growth can be attributed to the growing demand for cooperative robots in China, Japan and South Korea, especially in electronics, automobile, metal and machining industries. More cooperative robots mean A large number of flexible and multifunctional eoat tools are needed – these tools can make collaborative robots smarter and more automatic, resulting in greater return on investment.

As another example, customized grippers specially used to perform specific tasks in mass production environment have limited function and application potential. If the task or production demand changes (which is particularly common in the consumer goods industry), the custom gripper becomes a useless tool and can only be replaced. This reality will slow down the production process and increase the production cost.

Provide intelligent tools for intelligent business

From reducing long-term costs to creating a more efficient and flexible production environment, automated processes can help enterprises overcome existing challenges and finally bring greater competitive advantages to enterprises. The same is true for small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises.

Automation is no longer only applicable to mass production. Small and medium-sized enterprises with small batch production business and historical production data collection needs can / should make full use of the advantages of modern advanced robotics and eoat tools, especially low-cost tools, to help them provide more feasible solutions / services for customers’ low budget projects.

Automation has many potential benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises. For example, more accurate operation can reduce unit cost, and stronger functions can enable enterprises to easily increase or reduce production capacity according to demand. By enhancing production capacity, SMEs can stand out from competitors and attract more customers with greater production demand.

However, it is crucial for all enterprises to set automation goals and choose tools conducive to achieving them. The selection of appropriate and flexible tools and advanced intelligent accessories is conducive to reducing the deployment cost of automation scheme, saving installation and reinstallation time, and significantly improving the collaboration and coverage of the whole automation process.

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